Monday, 23 April 2018

Rakaposhi Nagar 2018 Views.

Rakaposhi Nagar 2018 Views.

Rakaposhi is the one of the most magnificent and easily climbable  peak district NAGAR pakistan. With the hights of 7,788 meters Rakaposhi is a delight to ascent for a mountaineer. the peak is situated in Nagar and one can see the majestic peak form the karakoram highway. its beauty and easy ascendance attracts the number of adventure lovers to its scenic heights.

Mountaineer can scale the peak from all the side. The Rakaposhi peak is surrounded by the beautiful valleys and glaciers, which add the beauty of mountaineering experience so far a numbers of expeditions have been made to ascend the Rakaposhi peak.

Pictured captured by Basit AliAmeer GUl 

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